Are you Unable To Sell a Product ? And Not a Good Digital Marketer 2020



Today we're going to talk about some skills that every Digital Marketer should know If he/she wants

to become an expert in Digital Marketing.

Point : 1- Marketing Skill

He/she should know basic know how of marketing skill I am not talking about the definition of

marketing.Or he/she should know about what is guerrilla marketing. He/she should know who is

his/her target audience?

If there's a product Then who'll buy this product? He/she should know this. How to define this target audience. Let's understand this first.
Let's say.

I want to buy this watch and it costs 2.5M

Let's say.

and not everyone can buy this watch right? Only a specific person will buy this. male or female? This

 watch is for men. Only they'll buy it. Who'll buy it? Those you can afford it. Means they earn a lot

So according to that You need to identify your target audience. Will that person be from a specific

place Chances are he/she will belong to metro cities. If he/she is buying an expensive watch. So when

 my target audience is defined. It'll be easy for me.

in marketing. Those who run ads on youtube/facebook , they know this

There's an option for targeting.

If your marketing concepts are good.

Then you can easily target.

That's it. This is the basic principle of marketing.

Point : 2 is Sales Basics.


Means He/she should know what's sales pitch. How to sell a product ?

Means whenever you want to run an ad. Or anything. Ultimately when you are doing Digital

 Marketing What's your aim? Sell the product. If you are unable to sell a product then you are not a

good Digital Marketer. Until and unless If you are able to sell products Then you are a good in digital

 marketing So in order to sell a product You need to learn Selling techniques. a way of Copywriting,

If you are writing blogs Then how you should write it. That our customer reads it and feels the need

to buy it. and if someone is doing video marketing then and think how can you deliver the message

via video. If i am doing Banner ads Then what can we write on banner ads That our customer feels

the desire to buy it.

So i am recommending a little series which i always do  Do follow other sales series. I've worked

hard in making that series. If you understand one on one marketing Digital marketing will be easy.So

if you understand it correctly.

Point : 3- Design sense

Or i can say UI He/she should know basic knowledge of UI. Let's say If you saw an ugly picture on

 facebook. as an ad campaign Will you click? Copywriting is good but their design sense is horrible.

and it's related to your use. Means his/her targeting is good and sales pitch is good too But that photo

 is not appealing Or that text It's size is very short. Any kind of blunder in UI/UX. let's forget about

ad Website is same. Horrible It's not appealing Impression won't be good. So if you have a basic

knowledge of design Then you can easily do Digital marketing Whether it's an ad campaign or

website. Visitor's first impression is good. and first impression matters. What we can do? It's possible

 that your design sense is not good.

download pinterest.

and according to your category research different things  You'll get to know new things.

Point : 3- Idea of Profitability

Calculation of profitability Let me teach you this logic. Let's say there's a product. whose

manufacturing cost is $80. Now we have manufacturing cost =$80 and i sell it at $100 in the market.

Now simple calculation. My profit is $20.

Now with this profit margin And i need to use this money for marketing also. If my marketing cost is

 more than $20 That i need to sell it at loss. So if i properly analyse profitability. Of my clients. Or for
my own digital marketing. If i do it properly. Then i'll never be in loss.

Now Biggest problem faced by digital marketers is They do successfully run ad. But they don't know

 How much they should spend? In order to convert one person. Benefit? When you know the

 profitability, you can calculate That i can not spend not more than this. Talking about Google

Ad words.

There's an option for acquisition right? Cost per acquisition If Cost per acquisition Is less than my

 profit Then it's a profitable deal If cost per acquisition is more than my profit Then it's a loss. That's

 it. Means i should not work on that. We'll talk about this in detail some other day about CPA(cost per

What is it?

Some other day. Now

Basic tools

How people brag that they know how to use Google ad-words.

I know AHREF tool.

I know photoshop.

I know premier pro.

These are just tools. Starting points of this video, remember? those matter not tools. You can even

 hire a person for tools. But If i am an expert in SEO. Then i should know some tools like ahref If i

am an expert in social media Then i should know tools regarding social media. Designing skills are

must. For social media and copy-writing is very important. I've already told you video is the future.

 SO if video is the future then Video editing is a must too. If you don't know then atleast Be aware

 about editing basics like lighting . basic know how otherwise Even if i hire an editor I won't be able

 to guide him.

Now next 2 point.

And they go together

* - analytical skill * - creative skill

Point : 4- Analytical skill means

Whenever i run an ad

or Facebook Google ad-words In those tools You receive a report after ad campaign ends. Analytical

report where You get the idea of who clicked on your ad. Where do they live. Everything. Now we

need to analyse this data. That which thing is good for us and which is not. Earlier what we talked

about marketing basics Let's say I don't know my client audience. and our client too  doesn't know his

 target audience. What will we do? We test it first. In this we'll try various things. On our target

audience. And then after exploring the analytical report then based on that data I'll be able to do result

 oriented work

That this data is good ,and we should target this audience.

Point : 5- Now Creative Skill

means Let's say Google Ad-words I've a series on this too. If there's a person who wants to make a

series on google ad-words. So what can he do differently in order to beat my video. This is creativity.

Means there are many ways to do a single work. Finding these ways - Creativity

Creativity is not painting.

What a design?

Creativity is in my many ways If you are running a campaign in digital marketing. Then you can

make 10 campaigns for one single product. This is creativity. If i say i want to sell this shoes. $60

 worth And i want to create a sale on 26 Jan. Then on this you can make 10 ad campaigns.

 This is creativity.

Now it has seen that Those who are creative can not be analytical. And those who are analytical can

 not be creative. I am talking about left brain , right brain But if you have more analytical skills then

Pick that digital marketing niche Where you can use your skills to the fullest. Google ad-words

 Social media's analytical part. These things. And if you have more creative sense then Then you can

do copy-writing. Banners Social Media Marketing. Website's UI/UX. Sales copy. Concentrate on these

 things. And if you are good in both Then you are GOD. I'm just kidding
I hope you liked this blog.  Tell me in the comments about the blog.

Bye Goodnight Good-morning Good-afternoon whenever you are Reading this blog.

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